Despite its portrayal in the media, substance abuse is an equal-opportunity destroyer. Everything from prescription opiates to heroin, cocaine, alcohol, and other substances stand ready to impact the lives of men and women, black and white, young and old. In certain categories, however, data seem to suggest that men are at greater risk than women of addiction — more men use heroin than women, for instance. That can raise some special considerations and might be one of the reasons to consider a men’s detox center.
A men’s detox center delivers gender-specific services in a supportive environment, free of judgment, surrounded by peers who understand your problems. At TruHealing Centers, our clinical staff applies evidence-based approaches to help guide you through the crucial period of withdrawal. If the substance abuse epidemic has touched your life, consider a men’s detox center today.
What to Expect During Detox
Substance abuse is no more or less dangerous if you’re a man or a woman, and most detox programs address the needs of both sexes. Our approach to detox at TruHealing Centers is based on years of compassion to help people move confidently toward the next stages of their recovery.
Drugs and alcohol are seductive in nature as the lure you in by a false sense of feeling good. The first challenge is in recognizing when it’s time to seek help. If you have concerns about yourself or a loved one, be on the lookout of these signs:
- Sexual difficulties
- Irritability, hostility, or anger
- Falling short on responsibilities
- Withdrawal symptoms
- Weight gain or loss
- Insomnia
When several of these issues are present, it’s time to seek the support of a men’s detox center. Detox centers help you begin to tackle the challenge of recovery.
Men and Substance Abuse
Men are statistically more likely than women to abuse illicit drugs. Researchers have not yet put their finger on why that is, but it’s safe to assume that stress and peer pressure play a role.
Men and women often respond differently to drug use. For instance, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, men who use marijuana have a higher rate of problems with antisocial personality disorder and co-occurring disorders, while women experience panic attacks and other anxiety disorders.
A men’s detox center is geared to address the issues of men and account for the differences in responses to certain drugs.
What to Expect from a Men’s Detox Center
While individual needs differ, there are some very common elements involved in detox. Men and women alike will start with an initial consultation and evaluation to determine your specific needs. Clinicians will build a treatment plan to guide the extent of your care.
The purpose of detox is to flush individual substances from your system. Sometimes detox results in very severe withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, some of which can be life-threatening. Detox provides the supervision you need to get past the withdrawal phase.
Once you complete treatment in a men’s detox center, you move on to the next stages of your care. This care will occur at an addiction treatment center and may include counseling and aftercare.
The Road to Recovery Begins at TruHealing Centers
Having the strength to seek help is a big step. TruHealing Centers are open and here for you. Our team will work with you to flush the drugs and alcohol out of your system and then help you take the next giant step in your recovery through counseling, medication-assisted treatment, and other interventions. We will help stabilize you on the path to sobriety. Contact us today 833.641.0572 for a confidential consultation and to decide if a men’s detox center is right for you.
You Don’t Have To Go It Alone
If you or a loved one would like more information on dual diagnosis treatment, Truhealing Addiction Services can help! Contact us today to discuss your treatment options with an addiction treatment specialist.
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