Vivitrol is a medication used to treat opioid and alcohol use disorder. It is sometimes used for medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which is the use of medications—often in combination with therapy—to treat addiction.
Vivitrol is the brand name and injectible form of Naltrexone. Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist, meaning it blocks the effects of opioids. It also binds to the endorphin receptors in the body, blocking the sedative and euphoric feelings people get from substances like alcohol and opioids. It helps reduce cravings.
Vivitrol is a once-a-month injection, which can be a more convenient way to take medication. It is not typically used as part of detox, but more so to aid in recovery. According to, “Physicians prescribe Vivitrol for patients who have already stopped drinking and using opioid drugs (such as morphine, heroin, and prescription pain medications) and who have gone through a detoxification process.”[1]
The DEA has not classified Vivitrol as a controlled substance; it has no potential for misuse, and it has been shown to help people stay sober. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), vivitrol significantly reduces a person’s chance of relapsing.[2]
While there is a myth that MAT is “replacing one addiction with another,” it is recovery—and it can help people get their lives back after addiction.
If you are struggling with a substance use or mental health disorder, there is help and hope. TruHealing Centers offers high-quality treatment for addiction and mental health disorders in facilities across the country. We offer MAT (Suboxone and Vivitrol) to help gradually free you from substances. Call an admissions specialist at 410-593-0005.